Tuesday, August 4, 2009

dang child

i don't know that i've ever had such an odd day. i don't even want to discuss it...
and the sprinklers soaked me coming back from work at like 11:15. co-worker was late...and i wanted to tell her a betrayal that i'd just discovered. (of course it was me, i'm a dang child to have believed him)
go bury your head in the sand you evil monster. do you tell them all that they're 'just like a sister', except when you're actually with them??
moron. I hate you. grow a life, cuz you're obviously too lame to borrow mine anymore.
ouch. my nose still hurts from my piercing yesterday...but the stress was much greater afterwards...because then i started thinking about what mum would say/do. *sigh*
it's the end of the world as we know it...
i am jak's sense of rejected lifestyle.


Ruthie said...

I'm commenting, just to be bubbish. Hey, did you know that we met Chris Tomlin and Bebo Norman the other night in our dreams? They were on tour and we went up and met them.

I'm sorry about all this. It sucks to have people be losers, but at least you know about it now, instead of discovering it thirty years in. Oo- now that's a scary thought. :o

emerandom said...

No kidding. imagine us, old and wizzened. :P