Sunday, August 17, 2008

why me again?

so today is an odd day, again. it feels like something out of a dream.
i feel like everyone i know doesn't know me. they think i'm one person
but sometimes i wish i could just be someone else.
i don't know who i am. i don't know what i am. i don't wanna become
like any of them. i don't even know what i wanna become like.
i for sure don't wanna become like most of my friends, some of them are
so annoying/lame. and i know they love me, which is important, but then...
i don't know.
and i have really cool friends...but i don't hang out with them enough to
be like them!
(or maybe i just think they are cool because i don't know them well
enough to realize that everyone is the same)
...this is confusing, maybe i should just drop the whole idea of trying to
hang out with cool people and just hang out with people who like me anyways..

so there's this one person tho, who want to be my friend, but...i don't really wanna
be her friend. is that totally mean?
she is such a...clingy, innocent, naive, and two-faced at the same time! :o it's
a hard question to answer and i don't wanna just be mean, because i've had
people do that to me. i knew they didn't wanna be friends with me because of
how i looked or what i did, or anything like that... it's so superficial


Friday, August 8, 2008

spinning gods, just outta sight

yeah, lucky you
cuz in your dreams
life still goes on.

those pretty castles in your
abstract beauties
spin and wheel.

please don't wake up, i'll kiss
you back to sleep.
i see this fantasy crumble,
sink away into mindless mumble.

...cuz in your dreams...
life still goes on.

missing you...
-your emerandom

Monday, August 4, 2008

you and me and nobody else together

i feel like i'm 10 years old. i'm so happy.
i know i won't feel like this tomorrow or even in 20 minutes...but i do right now.
haha...whatever. okay people, have a fun life.
i should write on my story...coz i'm happy, then anything can happen, right?
oh yeah...i also have a test tomorrow, which will be cool...hopefully, i studied enough, so i should ace it...
okay this little child should go off to bed :P
listen to Children 18:3; You Know We're All So Fond of Dying

Saturday, August 2, 2008

shut up, you are not the most important.

sometimes i just wanna kill you.
it's like we should be friends, but
you annoy me so.
everything you do, is like another
'hey i don't like you. wanna do
something about it?'
and then you get all upset when i
get angry...
are you really that clueless?
i doubt it, and that only means
i have confidence in your god
given intelligence, nothing else...

honestly it feels like i'm always
the one to give in and let you
do what you want.
but perhaps you feel that too?
why are we sisters????? this is so
annoying half the time, and the
half, i wouldn't do without you...
gosh, i'm sorry, i'm so bipolar.
and i'm tired. so i'm sorry...

-your emerandom wants to go to

Friday, August 1, 2008

unfortunately left behind

im an unfortunate remain from
those days when love was not a word,
please don't tell me that you love me.
just show me. it's not that hard actually.

maybe im just a symbol
of hopeless romance, but i don't want
what most of them have to offer.
be a little different please...

-your love sick emerandom