Friday, February 27, 2009

Eating me...

i'm bored right now...and hungry. I just ate dinner, I shouldn't be hungry... But the only thing to do is watch wheel of fortune. haha, I hate wheel, its so unrealistic...
There is pizza and fruit salad in the fridge...and other snacks on the counter and in the pantry...I know I'll only feel guilty if I eat anything more...
I wish I'd brought a book.
But I biked and I couldn't carry it with.
(Oh my gosh! Is scott going to win big in the bonus round?? Nope, he didn't win 100,000)
Its the 5000th show you know. Makes me feel very young... commercials. I think they should be outlawed, especially at night.
But I'm not craving food anymore, I think all this venting really helped. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

today there is rain and tomorrow it may shine

today i am happy.
tomorrow i may be sad.

but all in all it makes for one creatively challenged child.

i wish life was always happy. but then, like the weather,
we would never appreciate the sunshine,

if we didn't have rain and storms, snow, sleet, cold...etc, we wouldn't
notice the beauty and warmth of a spring morning.
of anything to create an emotion, i think songs do it best,

tell me anything in a song and i will likely believe it. (^_^)
okay so why am i happy? cuz i'm not working today?

maybe cuz i'm going to the mall? (yay!)
i don't know,
but it doesn't really matter much.

cuz it might rain tomorrow... ^_^